
Entrevista a la productora Barbara Muschietti

Entrevista a la diectora de cine Erika Lust


Entrevista en Festival de Cine por Mujeres, Madrid 2023

Entrevista de Marisella Rossetti

En redes

El Pais habla con Alexia Muíños Ruiz durante la Berlinale, haciéndose eco de la presentación del estudio Where are the female directors in the European Industry

Cineuropa entrevista a la directora Alexia Muiños Ruiz

Berlinale Roundtable: How to address violence against women in and with audiovisual work

En mesas cuadradas y debates

Women in Focus: El estado de la industria europea en cuanto a la equidad de género. La actividad ha contado con la colaboración de la Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía, la Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE) la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA) y el Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer (IAM).

Encuentro de UN Women en el Festival de Cine de mujeres de Salé, Marruecos


With the coordination of Imane Bounjara, the conference Pour une egalité des genres au sein de l'Industrie audiovisuelle et du film dans la région Maghreb-Machreq was held on saturday 21 setember at Hôtel Dawliz à Salé, Morrocco.

Meeting with Jane Campion

Presidenta del jurado de una de las secciones del Festival de Cannes, Francine Raveney, Isabel de Ocampo, Paula Ortiz y Alexia Muiños, tuvieron la oportunidad de reunirse con Campion y pedirle consejo para nuestra incipiente red European Women's Audiovisual network

A round table followed with the producer Doura Bouchoucha (President Sud Ecritures), Souad Rahmouni El Tayeb (President of Rencontre du Film Arab de Marseille), producer/director Laila Kilani and Alexia Muiños (filmmaker and EWA Network rep.)

"...There is this moment in life, when you are travelling around the world with your film, you feel empowered and anything seems possible but, quoting Simone de Beauvoir : the successes of some few privileged women neither compensate for nor excuse the systematic degrading of the collective level. This is a mirage. Gender Inequality is not on the agenda. It is sometimes something uncomfortable to talk about. A sensitive subject. It’s the elephant in the room, and most of the times we can't even see it. We may know some succesful female directors or powerful female producers but that's not the whole picture. We have a misguided perception, we can't imagine how many did not make it because a biased commission thought that they had already selected one or two female projects, as if it were a category itself. Women are not a niche, or a minority, we are the half of the population, and therefore we need equal share of funding and to get our films done, get our vision of the world shared."